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Copyright Policy is a webshop of Velua V.O.F. in Harderwijk, Netherlands. Velua owns the domain name, trade name and has acquired licenses for the software packages used in this web shop. 

If you think that we are infringing the rights of third parties, we ask you, the owner of these rights, to contact us.

We will investigate any serious reports of infringement of third party rights. If the report is justified, we will correct or delete the relevant data. A legitimate report contains at least the following elements: 

  • A physical or Electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the rights that we are infringing. 
  • Identification of the copyright, trademark or other right involved in the infringement.  
  • The URL(s) or product number(s) pointing to the infringed design or data. A general reference to is not sufficient, you must provide a full, detailed link. 
  • Your name, address , phone number and email address. 
  • An explanation of why you chose the design (element), text(s) believe ) or products in the form we use are not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. 

You can contact our copyright agent through our contact form.
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